Wall Wash
Wall Grazer
Ceiling Recessed
Wall Wash
Wall Grazer
Ceiling Surface
Linear Recessed
Step Lighting Recessed
Vanity Recessed
Wall Surface
Complete Fixtures
3D Models
2" Fast Jack Power Feed Canopies
4" Fast Jack Power Feed Canopies
45 degree Light Channel, 24VDC
Audrey Vanity, 1RE
Audrey Vanity, 4" Square 120V/24V
Audrey Vanity, Rectangular Variable White 24VDC System,
Audrey Vanity, Square Variable White 24VDC System,
Bardot Vanity, 1RE
Bardot Vanity, 4" Round Variable White 24VDC System-
Bardot Vanity, 4" Round, 120V/24V fixture - 92+CRI
Bardot Vanity, Rectangle Variable White 24VDC System-
Channel Neon 0.5 Flat Lens
Cirrus Ceiling Wall Wash with Glare Shield
Cirrus Ceiling Wall Wash with Glare Shield and Louver
Cirrus Channel D1, Direct 1" Lens 24VDC System - 85+ or 95+CRI
Cirrus Channel S1, Square 1" Lens 24VDC System - 85+ or 95CRI
Cirrus Channel Suspension D1, Direct 1" Lens 24VDC System - 85+ or 95CRI
Cirrus Channel Suspension R1, Rectangular 1" Lens 24VDC System - 85+ or 95CRI
Cirrus Channel Suspension T1, Tubular 1" Lens 24VDC System - 85+ or 95CRI
Cirrus Channel T1, Tubular 1" Lens 24VDC System - 85+ or 95CRI
Cirrus Channel, Wall Grazer 24VDC
Cirrus MIYO ''X'' Collection
Cirrus MIYO ''Y'' Collection
Cirrus MIYO Hexagon Collection
Cirrus MIYO Rectangle Collection
Cirrus MIYO Square Collection
Cirrus MIYO Triangle Collection
Cirrus Pix Sticks MIYO configurations
Dot LED Round 30°
Dot LED Round 90°
Dot LED Square 30°
Fast Jack 5, 7, & 9 Port Canopies
Flex Neon LRF5
Flex Neon LRF7
Flex Neon LRT7
Flex Neon UDF7 0.7
Glide Glass Downlight - Center Feed
Glide Glass Downlight - End Feed
Glide Glass Up/Down - Center Feed
Glide Glass Up/Down - End Feed
Glide Wood - Center Feed, 120V/24VAC Fixture - 92CRI
Glide Wood Downlight - Center Feed
Glide Wood Downlight - End Feed
Glide Wood Up/Down - Center Feed
Glide Wood Up/Down - End Feed
Glide Wood Up/Down MIYO Square Suspension
Lazer Line Suspension
Light Channel, Surface Mount 2.3W, 12V
Micro Grazer Light Channel 2.3V, 12V
Micro Grazer Light Channel RGB, 2.6W 24VDC
Micro Grazer Light Channel, 2.3W, 24V
Millwork Light Channel, 24VDC
Monorail Joining Connectors
Monorail Standoffs
Monorail Straight Rail
Nova Ceiling Wall Grazer
Nova Downlight with L Connector - Modular Suspension
Nova Downlight with T Connector - Modular Suspension
Nova Downlight with X Connector - Modular Suspension
Nova Downlight with Y Connector - Modular Suspension
NOVA Modular Downlight Suspension and Components
NOVA Up & Down Suspension
Nova Up/Downlight Suspension End Feed
Outdoor Track
Pipeline 1 MIYO Frame
Pipeline 1 Suspension Downlight
Pipeline 1 Suspension Up or Down
Pipeline 2 Ceiling
Pipeline 2 Suspension Downlight with Power Center Feed
Pipeline 2 Suspension Downlight with Remote Power End Feed
Pipeline 2 Vertex Suspension
Pipeline 2 Vertical
Pipeline 2 Wall/Vanity - Center Feed
Pipeline 2 Wall/Vanity - End Feed
Pipeline Modular
Pipeline Stem Mount Wall Wash
Pipeline Stem Mounted Straight Run
Pipeline Vertex
Plaza Large LED - Dimmable
Port LED
Reveal Cove & Pathway
Reveal Wall Wash 2
Saber Suspension 0.8
Sail Mirror LED
Saluti LED Pendant
Scope LED
Single Circuit Angle Joining Connectors
Stratus Wall Grazer
Sun 3 LED
Surface Mount Light Channel, 24VDC, 2.3W Premium or 2.5W Commercial
T-bar Freeform
Tie Stix Pix Sticks configurations
Tie Stix Suspension
Tri Pipeline 1 Rotatable Suspension
TruArch 1A
TruCurve 1A
TruLine .5A
TruLine .5A TruQuad
TruLine 1.6A
TruLine 1.6A TruQuad
TruLine 1A
TruLine 1A TruQuad
Twiggy D1 4" Square Canopy
Twiggy D1 Hinged
Twiggy S1
Twiggy T1
Twist Strip 3.3W 24VDC High Output
Vanishing Point Piston
Vanishing Point Radiant Large Track Head
Vanishing Point Radiant Medium Track Head
Vanishing Point Rebel
Vanishing Point Scope LED
Vanishing Point Tubo Large
Vanishing Point Tubo Large Down Light
Vanishing Point Tubo Large Wall Wash
Vanishing Point Tubo Small Down Light
Vanishing Point Tubo Small Track Head
Vanishing Point Zoom
Veil Ceiling with Lucy Downlight
Veil Ceiling/Wall
Verge Ceiling
Verge Corner
Verge Wall
Zipp Downlight Center Feed Suspension
Zipp Downlight End Feed Suspension
Zipp Pix Sticks MIYO
Zipp Wave Downlight Center Feed Suspension
Zipp Wave Downlight End Feed Suspension
Zipp Wave Pix Sticks MIYO