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Reveal Wall Wash 2, RGB & RGB+W 24VDC Plaster-In LED System

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Reveal Wall Wash 2, a 24VDC linear LED system, features a shallow, plaster-in aluminum extrusion, that is no thicker than drywall. The system may be secured directly to studs without joist modification and plasters into 5/8" thick drywall or between studs with mounting clips provided. Must be mounted 24" away from the projected wall. Available in 5 or 6 watts per foot, in RGB and RGB+White, and sold in 1' increments up to 20' (5WDC) and 15' (6WDC). PureEdge's RGB+White Soft Strip (SS6) provides dynamic color effects with red, green, blue plus white. Now offered with four choices of White; 2000K and special order in 2700K, 3000K, and 4000K. Our color-changing LED strip provides bright, continuous light, our focus on chromacity quality provides a balanced output across the color gamut, allowing the creation of millions of beautiful colors and pure white. Field cuttable to any length. Coordinate installation with electrician and drywall contractors. Includes a 5 year pro-rated warranty.
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